The ELAM ERP Connector is a REST API (Representational State Transfer) that enables data to be imported into and retrieved from ELAM.
The main functions include the import of production orders, variants and components, which reduces manual errors and increases efficiency. Production orders are automatically assigned to the correct stations after import and can be started immediately by employees.
Data queries make it possible to obtain up-to-date information on production orders, such as status, progress and components installed in products.
You can find the complete OpenAPI documentation here:
The documentation contains all information about the available endpoints, the required HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.), the required and optional parameters and the expected responses.
A JSON structure is used for data exchange (JavaScript Object Notation).
HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is used as the transport protocol.
The TLS (Transport Layer Security) security protocol is used for communication to ensure that data remains private and protected.
To be able to communicate with the REST API, the ERP Connector feature must be activated for your customer system. Contact your contact person to activate the feature for your customer system. You must send HTTP requests to the ERP Connector for communication. The other sections of the article describe what information you need to be able to send requests to the ERP Connector.
The ERP Connector feature appears in ELAM Administration Link for Swagger API documentation.
In order to communicate with the ELAM ERP Connector, the Tenant ID and the Bearer Token are required.
Note: The bearer token is specified in the authorization header and is currently valid for 30 days. The token must be regenerated after 30 days at the latest.
You will then be redirected to a page. Click on the Yes button to generate a new Bearer Token and close the browser window.
Note: The token generation will soon be changed to API keys.
The token is displayed in the Bearer Token field and can be copied using the copy button.
HTTP requests can now be sent to the ERP Connector using the tenant ID and the bearer token.
Products are generally processed in the ELAM system. To ensure that the ELAM Solutions system can guarantee traceability, a product always has a batch size of 1. In the ERP systems, single-variety production orders are usually derived from customer orders, which can have a lot size >1. Such production orders are always separated in ELAM.
The following data can be imported into ELAM Solutions via the ERP Connector:
The following sections describe which data can be imported in detail.
The following production order data can be imported:
Note: If no serial numbers are transmitted for the production order, ELAM-Solutions automatically generates serial numbers in a fixed format depending on the imported batch size. The format of the automatically generated serial number cannot be changed.
The automatically generated serial numbers are made up as follows:
Example with 10 automatically generated serial numbers:
Note: The running number (RunningNumber) starts with every import of a new production order from batch size=1.
Variants can be imported separately. This is necessary for order-independent parts list updates that are to be synchronized between the ERP system and ELAM Solutions.
The following variant data can be imported:
Components can be imported separately. This is necessary for order-independent parts list updates that are to be synchronized between the ERP system and ELAM Solutions.
The following component data can be imported:
The following data can be deleted in ELAM Solutions via the ERP Connector:
The following sections describe which data can be deleted in detail.
Production orders can only be deleted if not a single product of a production order has been started.
When the variant is deleted, the following data assigned to the variant is automatically deleted:
Note: Completed products are never deleted.
When the components are deleted, the following data assigned to components is automatically deleted:
The following data can be updated in ELAM Solutions via the ERP Connector:
The following sections describe which data can be updated in detail.
Production orders that have already been imported can be updated retrospectively via the ERP system as long as no product from the production order has been started.
The following production order data can be updated via the ERP connector by specifying the unique production order ID:
This is necessary for order-dependent order updates that are to be synchronized between the ERP system and ELAM Solutions.
Variants that have already been imported can be updated retrospectively via the ERP system by specifying the unique variant ID:
This is necessary for order-independent material updates that are to be synchronized between the ERP system and ELAM Solutions.
Components that have already been imported can be updated retrospectively via the ERP system by specifying the unique component ID
This is necessary for order-independent parts list updates that are to be synchronized between the ERP system and ELAM Solutions.
The following data can be retrieved from ELAM-Solutions via the endpoints of the ELAM ERP-Connector:
The following sections describe which data can be queried in detail.
The following production order data can be queried by entering the unique production order ID:
Calling up the production order data enables you to retrieve the latest order status and synchronize it with your ERP system.
The following production order data can be queried by specifying the unique product ID: