When right-clicking on a step in the flowchart, the step disappears
Special characters are not accepted in the "Value Comparison" step
In the assistant, the "Value Comparison" step shows the same status
Groups in the "PIN Authorization" step cannot be saved in the Flowchart Editor
Information is not hidden in a timely manner after a weight measurement when removing components from a SmartTower compartment
Previously loaded media such as images, PDFs, and videos are not loaded from the browser cache in the assistant
NOK scan steps are displayed correctly in the product history
In the value comparison step, the last value entered is automatically deleted
Updated UI theme in the ELAM Administration & Analysis
An information message is displayed in the assistant if there is no weight for the component
Scrolling with touch in the assistant has been optimized for faster UI responsiveness
UI optimized for mobile devices on Android and iOS
PDFs can be displayed on Android and iOS
Icon is displayed in ELAM Assistant if no image has been uploaded for the step
New Features
In the Flowchart Editor, individual steps can be previewed directly
Backend Update
The backend has been updated and prepared for the upcoming "Order Management" feature
General Planned Improvements
In February, a new ELAM Solutions system will be deployed in an Asian Azure data center to improve latency
Upcoming Features in the Next Update
Order Management in ELAM Administration - With this feature, manufacturing orders and serial number templates for products can be created and distributed to stations. Manufacturing orders can be centrally locked, released, or deleted. The order of manufacturing orders can be set so that they can be processed in a predefined sequence
New Station Mode - A new station mode can be activated per station, allowing employees at stations to only start assigned manufacturing orders
New Tightening Controls will be support for Ingersoll Rand & Stahlwille