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Scanner Tool

Scanner Tool

February 26, 2025
February 25, 2025

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In this article, you will learn how to set up and use a scanner in ELAM Solutions.

Technical Requirements

In order to use a scanner with the ELAM Solutions software, you always need a Smart Work Assistant 5 WiFi or a Mini Smart Work Assistant 5 WiFi device.

Note: *You can alternatively use a keyboard emulating scanner. In this case, you do not need a Smart Work Assistant as a gateway. Please note that the ELAM Assistant must always be in focus when using a keyboard emulating scanner, otherwise the app cannot process a scan.

Why is a Smart Work Assistant necessary?

ELAM Solutions is designed for high scalability and reliability, which is ideal for industrial applications. A Smart Work Assistant, or SWA for short, is an industrial computer and serves as a gateway to the cloud-based ELAM Solutions software. It provides the necessary computing power and stability to meet these requirements and ensure uninterrupted operation. As soon as a scanner is connected to an SWA, the scanner is automatically recognized and set up as a tool in your ELAM Solutions system. This allows you to use the full range of scan functions in a plug-and-play manner.

Supported Scanners

In general, the following USB scanners are supported and tested in ELAM Solutions:

  • Datalogic Gryphon 4500-Series
  • Datalogic Powerscan PM9600-SR (Download configuration file)
  • Keyboard emulated scanner
    • directly in the start form and in the assistant after opening the keyboard input

Connecting a Scanner to a Smart Work Assistant

  1. Unpacking the scanner: Carefully open the packaging to avoid damaging the contents. You should find the scanner, a USB cable, and possibly additional accessories such as a user manual or stand.
  2. Checking the contents: Make sure all parts are present and undamaged. In particular, the scanner should have no visible damage, and the USB cable should be intact at both ends.
  3. Preparing the scanner: Carefully remove any protective films or packaging materials that may be attached to the scanner.
  4. Connecting the USB cable: Plug the smaller end of the USB cable (usually the Type B or Micro-USB connector) into the corresponding port on the scanner.
  5. Connecting the scanner to the SWA: Plug the other end of the USB cable (usually the Type A connector) into a free USB port on your SWA.
  6. Setting up the scanner: Your ELAM system should automatically recognize the scanner and display it in the ELAM Administration on the Tools page.

Configure the Scanner

When purchasing a new scanner, the scanner must be initially configured for ELAM Solutions so that all captured scan codes can be fully processed.

Scan the following Data Matrix codes in sequence from step 1 to 3:

Step 1: Start Configuration Mode

Step 2: Apply Configuration Settings

Step 3: End Configuration Mode

Resetting the Scanner to Factory Settings

If you want to reset the scanner to the factory settings, scan the following Data Matrix code:

Assigning the Scanner to a Station in ELAM Solutions

As soon as a scanner is connected to an SWA, the necessary software ensures that the device is automatically set up in your ELAM system. In order to use the scanner, it must be assigned to a station so that it can be used at this station.

  1. Log in to ELAM Solutions with your user account.
  2. Navigate to the Tool Overview site in the Administration.
  3. In the list of tool overview, click on the scanner with the respective serial number. The serial number of the scanner is located on the back of the device.
  1. Select a station in the detail window where your scanner is to be used.
  2. Click Save to apply the settings.

Scanner Test

  1. Open the assistant on your SWA and navigate to the start form.
  2. Scan any scan code
  3. A message should be displayed in the information area that a variant with the captured scan code was not found.


Regular expressions, also known as RegEx, are a powerful tool for pattern matching in text data. In ELAM Solutions, we use regular expressions to specify scan codes. In this article, we will delve deeper into what regular expressions are, how they work, and how we use them to interpret scan codes.

Regular expressions are a language for creating patterns to find, replace, or manipulate strings in texts. They consist of a combination of metacharacters and literals. Metacharacters are special characters that have a specific function, such as '*' (for zero or more instances of a character), '.' (for any single character), and '[a-z]' (for any letter between a and z). Literals are normal characters.

How do RegularExpressions work?

A regular expression is evaluated from left to right and attempts to find a match in the string being searched. A simple example would be the regular expression 'a.b', which finds any three-character string starting with 'a' and ending with 'b', such as 'acb', 'a5b', 'a b', etc.

Here is a list of the most common RegularExpressions:

How do we use RegularExpressions for Scancodes?

Scancodes are typically numerical or alphanumeric strings that contain information such as product codes, manufacturing dates, or other specific data. In ELAM Solutions, we use regular expressions to efficiently extract and process this information.

For example, we could use a regular expression like '^123' to find all scancodes that start with '123'. Or we could use '[0-9]{4}' to find four consecutive digits within a scancode, which could represent a production year, for example.

Steps for using RegularExpressions

Creating patterns: First, identify the pattern of the data within the scancodes that you want to search for. For example, if all your product codes start with a specific sequence of numbers, that could be your pattern.

Creating a regular expression: Use the syntax of regular expressions to create a pattern that matches your requirements.

Applying the pattern: Apply the created pattern to the scancodes to extract the desired information.

Validating results: Verify if the results meet your requirements. If not, adjust the pattern and repeat the steps. We recommend using the website https://regex101.com/ to test regex filters.

RegularExpression Example

Quick explenation of the RegularExpression "^5[0-9]{3}abc[d-h]{2}[1||2]$":


^ - This is a start anchor and means that the string we are searching for must start at the beginning of the string being searched.

5 - This means that the string being searched must begin with a 5.

[0-9]{3} - This means that after the 5, there must be three digits ranging from 0 to 9.

abc - This means that after the three digits, the string "abc" must directly follow.

[d-h]{2} - This means that after the "abc" string, there must be two letters ranging somewhere between "d" and "h" (inclusive of "d" and "h").

[1||2] - This means that either a "1" or a "2" must follow the two letters. However, the double pipe symbol (||) in this context is not correct.

$ - This is an end anchor and means that the string we are searching for must end at the end of the string being searched.

Overall, this regular expression searches for a string that looks exactly like this: It starts with a "5", followed by three arbitrary digits, then the exact string "abc", then two letters between "d" and "h" (inclusive), and ends with a "1" or a "2".

Here are some examples of strings that would match this regular expression:





ELAM Solutions RegEx Example

In this example, we will show you how to set up a scan step in the flowchart and apply the filter "^5[0-9]{3}abc[d-h]{2}[1||2]$".

  1. Insert the scan step into the flowchart.
  2. Select the scanner mode as Individual Filter.
  3. Enter the filter "^5[0-9]{3}abc[d-h]{2}[1||2]$" in the Regular Expression Filter field.

To test, we have generated a QR code with the string "5678abcde1" in our example, which we capture using a scanner in the assistant. The status is evaluated as "OK" in this case.

Using regular expressions to specify scancodes in our software is an efficient method for extracting and processing information. While they do require some learning and understanding to effectively utilize, once familiarized, they become a powerful tool.