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Ingersoll Rand

Ingersoll Rand

September 25, 2024
July 2, 2024

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In these articles you will learn how to install a Ingersoll Rand INSIGHTqcx controlinkl. Spindle connects to ELAM via a Smart Work Assistant (SWA) 5 Client WiFi. Initially, the Ingersoll Rand qcx control a direct network connection to the Smart Work Assistant via Ethernet. An OpenProtocol controller is pre-installed on the SWA, which ELAM uses to activate and deactivate the tool.

Note: Communication with the Ingersoll Rand qcx controller only takes place via an OpenProtocol interface.

Technical requirements

To use the Ingersoll Rand qcx controller, you need at least the following hardware:

  • SWA5 Mini Client WiFi or a SWA5 Client WiFi

The following OpenProtocol and firmware version of the control unit is required:

  • OpenProtocol Version 1.6
  • Firmware version

Login data Ingersoll Rand qcx control unit

A user name and password are required to make settings on the control unit.

  • Username: admin
  • Password: ingersoll

Standard network settings SWA

The SWA is delivered with the following network settings as standard:


Subnetz Maske:

Port: 4545 (standard port for OpenProtocol tools)

Network settings for Ingersoll Rand qcx control unit

In this section you will learn how the Ingersoll Rand qcx controller must be set correctly so that the connection to the OpenProtocol controller on the SWA can be established. To do this, connect the Ingersoll Rand qcx controller to the power supply and connect the controller to the SWA via an Ethernet cable.

Note: Only use port 1 on the Ingersoll Rand control unit for the Ethernet connection. Port 2 is intended by the manufacturer for service.

How to configure the Ingersoll Rand qcx control unit:

  1. Open menu
  2. Click on PF-OP settings
PF-OP Settings
  1. Make and save the OpenProtocol settings as follows
OpenProtocol Detail Settings
  1. Open menu
  2. Select Ethernet settings
Ethernet Settings
  1. Select the "Static" network type so that the control unit can be assigned a fixed IP address. Dynamic (DHCP) is not supported.
  2. Enter the IP address "". IP addresses from "" to "" eingestellt werden. The IP address "" cannot be used for a controller because this IP address is used by the SWA gateway.
  3. Enter the subnet mask "".
  4. Enter gateway "".
  5. Save settings
Note: Primary DNS and Secondary DNS must be empty and are not required.
Ethernet Detail Settings

If the OpenProtocol and network settings are configured correctly, the control unit automatically connects to the SWA Gateway. The connection is established when the "factory symbol" on the control unit lights up green.

Ingersoll Rand qcx Connection

Connect tool with Ingersoll Rand qcx control unit

Connect your Ingersoll Rand tool to the control unit so that the tool can be created as a tool in ELAM Solutions and controlled later.

You can find instructions for setting up the connection on the manufacturer's website: https://irtoolhelp.ingersollrand.com/hc/en-us/articles/4819309242771-Pairing-QX-tools-to-Ingersoll-Rand-Cordless-Controllers

When the tool is connected to the control unit, the "WiFi symbol" on the control unit lights up green.

Tool Connection

As soon as the tool is connected to the controller and there is a network connection to the SWA Gateway, the tool is automatically created as a tool in ELAM Administration. The tool must be assigned to a station in ELAM Solutions and can be activated via the screw step in the Flowchart Editor.

ELAM Administration - Ingersoll Rand Tool